As an exercise I reinvented one myself.
What it does is scales the our grid to view frustum space coordinates and projects it to specified plane in the world.
The easy thing is that frustum-space (untransformed) coordinates for our water plane is already provided as gl_Vertex. The value range is between -1.0 to 1.0 and values outside of this range correspond to points which are not in viewing frustum.
So in X axis -1.0 is left and 1.0 is right edge of the screen, Y - upper and lower edge, but for Z -1.0 is near plane and 1.0 is far plane. The tricky part is that while X and Y values are linear, Z values are exponential - more densely packed at near plane.
Next part is to create a virtual plane to project our grid to. We only need the grid Z axis to be projected as X and Y are already at needed position - at screen edges. To do so, we need to create world position. I transformed texture coordinates of grid with camera transformation matrices and then with line-plane intersection I got the coordinates of ground plane. And finally we create a depth from ground position to apply to Z coordinate of the grid. As Z is exponential, I found THIS very useful to convert linear depth to exponential.
screenshots (not an eye candy yet):


clamped size:

with a displacement map:

There is yet a lot of work ahead, but I felt I should share this. Maybe someone finds this useful.
get the vertex shader HERE
edit: I found a technique by Eric Bruneton, which is much more useful easier and faster than mine, hehe. Still it was a nice exercise and I found out bunch of new stuff while doing this.
"I found a technique by Eric Bruneton, which is much more useful easier and faster than mine, hehe" -- glad to hear that but that guy has tons of papers on his homepage, while they all look extremely fascinating, which one was the one you found useful for projected-grid-in-vertex-shader? The Ocean one? The Terrain one? :D