
November 24, 2013

water/underwater & sky shader update #03

Yep, I haven`t been very active blogger lately.
I am very glad that company I am working for brought me to Amsterdam to Blender Conference this year. I even did a presentation there together with my colleague Michael Otto about GLSL shaders in Blender Game Engine. And for the presentation purposes I decided to demo my water/underwater shader there.
Just before the presentation I managed to tune up the shader and the scenery a bit.

so the changes since last update are:
- projected grid approach for the water surface (lousy implementation)
- per-vertex displacement mapping for waves
- basic but effective shoreline detection for water surface and ground
- added some subtle cloud layer and stars in the skies

yet to be done:
- fixes on inconsistencies
- better and procedural wave propagation model
- focus to underwater visuals
- better camera transition from water/underwater
- better coastline behaviors
- buoyancy (partly done)
- heavy optimization
- when it`s done, as many have requested - implement in Unity

trees are generated with tree[d] by frecle

blend file to be uploaded (have to clean and optimize the code a bit)