Scene uses 3 lights - 1 directional light for sun and 2 hemisphere lights for sky color and reflected ground color. Hemisphere (Ancient Greek: half of a sphere) light is same Half Lambert. It is a perfect solution to imitate sky color and indirect lighting that comes from surfaces lit by the Sun.
float halfLambert(vec3 N, vec3 L)//N, L = Normal and Light vectors
retun max(0.0,dot(N,L)*0.5+0.5);
which, by the way is developed by Valve for Half-Life.
here are some illustrations:
this is an example scene - clear, blue skydome, Sun somewhere in middle between horizon and zenith and sand or dirt as the ground plane.

Sun. A directional light, lamp intensity is 1.0 and color is white.

Sky color. The whole skydome emits a lot of light, in our case, blueish. Hemi-light is pointing down .I usually use lamp intensity 0.2 and color (Red 0.0, Green 0.2, Blue 1.0)

Reflected ground color. It is an indirect light and the intensity and color depends on the surface color. Hemi-light is pointing up. Here we have light orangeish color as a sand or dirt would have.

here we have all three lights combined together.

some screenshots from Blender viewport:
sunlight only (shadows on ground are baked in a texture)

sunlight and reflected ground color

sky color only (ambient occlusion on ground is baked in a texture)

full lighting model



blend file: HERE
Could you upload a .blend for this?
ReplyDeleteI added the download link. It is not exacty the file I used to take screenshots from, but the light setup is the same. I will try to find the real blend.
ReplyDeleteHa funny... That is almost the same way I light my scenes :)
ReplyDeleteGreat Article Martins! This gets thinks clear! ^^
And by the way.. great Blog! I will bookmark it! :)