
January 6, 2015

//status update 05 & a sneak peek in 2015!

My previous post was a bit more than a year ago... well the good thing is that since then I have a collected pile of projects and other stuff to share.
None of them are finished though, maybe that`s why I felt they are not shareworthy..

Anyway, I have moved from France back to Latvia and settled down for a while. I am still working full time with Blender & also Blender Game Engine on supersecret projects of which I can`t show anything yet. So I can only share with you things I am working on my spare time.

So, here is a list of projects I am planning to work on and hopefully finish this year. For each of these projects I will write a separate article explaining the details:

RGP (racing game project):

almost all of the effects, shaders and new stuff is related to RGP. I am now building up sort of a base to build the game on. The lighting and shading system is almost done, what yet needs to be finished is the physics, handling and collision system. After that I can finally focus on the content, story and gameplay.

PBR (physically based rendering):

RGP will be rendered using new lighting system. I am now in research and prototyping stage. Basics are functional and it looks really nice already.
- new sky model
- image based lighting (IBL) using environment map
- real time environment map based on sky model or surrounding scene.
- some advanced BRDF functions

Terrain system to render vast landscapes (also needed for RGP).

- uses adaptive LoD
- infinite procedurally generated landscapes

Continue the work on my water shader. I am still planning to implement it in Unity. 

- combined with the new terrain system
- combined with physically based rendering system

Advanced buoyancy system for water shader.

- calculate buoyancy forces for each object submerged in water

Tron lightcycle game, yep still in progress.. I am doing a full re-write of the scripts.

- port all of the code from old Blender versions to Blender 2.7


  1. Thanks for the update, glad to see you're still kicking ass

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  3. Yeah, wow, this is really good looking stuff, especially that final composite with the lights and water. Keep it up, man!

  4. WOO! I had thought we had lost you for a bit there. I'm glad to see you are still on top of the game. :D

  5. Hi, Mārtiņ! I wanted to ask you if you can give me some tutorials. I see so oyu are one ofbest blender users & tu esi latvietis. Maybe you wish to make a project together with me or make some examples and tutorials or me? By the way, check out my current job here:

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. What's that command? No, I don't know evrything about Martin's posts in blenderartists...

    3. Oops, sorry! Meant to give you this link:

    4. Čau, If you are looking for tutorials for Blender, there are plenty you can find in YouTube and Blender forums. I am not making tutorials myself yet.
      čau, Blenderim ir diezgan daudz totoriāļu gan Youtube gan Blendera forumos, es pats tutoriāļus vēl netaisu. Nav tik daudz laika.
      Un tas links nezkāpēc neiet, saka ka neatrod tādu emuāru..

    5. paskaties uz šo. Kā tu domā, kādēļ tā notiek. Vai tā ir Nouveau draiveru vaina? Varbūt ir kāds veids kā atbrīvoties no tās bufferu plēves?

  6. Nice to have you back Martin!

    You talk about getting your work into Unity. What about also making it available for the Godot Engine? Would that be possible, or doesnt Godot have enough GLSL support?

  7. Will the water be available for download and be used on other blend files?

    1. yep :) but first i need to finalize, clean and simplify it a little.

  8. Hello, i saw your video of flood quadri satelite map. Where can i find sat ressources and elevation ? Is it free ? thanks and good work.


    Mārtiņ, I wanted to note so you haven't repliad to this one problem I've got. Maybe now you can review it and tell why that happens- this is the orginal 0.99 watershader I downloaded, no modifications. I use Blender 2.73, Linux Ubuntu 14.10 and (very awful GPU with GPL Nouveau driver installed yet) GeForce GT610

  10. Man I realy looking forward for implementation to unity of your water. That would be epic.. its awesome work!

  11. Any chance at camera depth projection for using prerendered backgrounds in the bge?

  12. ocean rendering and buoyancy is awesome

  13. Hi! Thanks very much for your awesome works! I'm looking to contact you about a new Blender branch we are doing with a Blender dev (panzergame) and friends: to ask you permission to use some of your 2D filters/features in our branch. My mail: . BA thread: . Sorry to post here :) and thanks for your answer.

    1. Hi Yul! sure, you can use them freely :)

    2. Many thanks! I updated the SSS patch you made with Mokazon and I think we'll merge it soon, and some 2D filters you made too. You make us dream with all your works :)

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  15. I remember stumbling at this blog about a year ago. You have quite a collection of very interesting stuff here thats for sure. I was very impressed with your futuristic racing game (that needs a proper name btw). Is there any progress on that, will we see it on Steam, or maybe get an updated Blend file to play with?


  16. Is there a download for the PBR and the terrain system? I'm very interested in it. PS: Nice work, I'm so speechless :-)

  17. Its Interesting methoth! (im about bloom). Did u hear about PBR Blender branch by hypersomniac? ( ) It has a realtime reflections in viewport in glsl mode. It would be interesting to connect your glsl bloom script in to it. It makes possible to have a post effects right in a blender viewport!

  18. any chance you will upload the resources in the future? it's been years

  19. Really very interesting and very valuable information about the Hill well done.

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